Reya XP
Reya Network rewards users with XP for trading activity, thus by trading via Zeuz Trade, users are eligible for the Reya Network rewards. Furthermore, by adding their margin into the passive pool, they are also eligible for passive rewards. Trading rewards on Reya, are subject to your trades notional size and their boosts. This means the XP grows at a faster rate. With a 10X boost, a Network Staker earns 1 XP * $1,000 * 10x Boost = 10 XP per minute
Tip: By trading on Zeuz Trade you are eligible for both Reya XP and Zeuz [points]
Permission levels
There are 4 types of points in Reya.
Trade any market using the Zeuz or Reya front end.
Network Staker
Stake funds into the passive LP, to farm both points and APY.
Last updated